西田鉃工ってこんな会社What kind of company is nishida tekko
What kind of company is Nishida Tekko

At NISHIDA TEKKO, we continue to devote ourselves to daily study as flood control and irrigation professionals!
At NISHIDA TEKKO, we develop, sell, design, and maintain dams, floodgates, and other installations necessary to control water flow.
We are proud of our top-class achievements in the industry, with over 70 years of history as a professional flood control and irrigation group.
To protect land and human life from tsunamis and flood damage. For the areas and people that need water. To preserve Japan’s rich environment. At NISHIDA TEKKO, we will continue to challenge ourselves and grow, to take control of the flow of water.

Features of Our Business and Products
- Top-class achievements, specializing in flood control and irrigation!!
- We have been involved in flood control and irrigation since 1946.
We perform everything from design and construction to post-completion maintenance on a range of water-related installations, such as waste removal equipment, which prevents waste material from entering water control facilities, and gates on dams and rivers.
Our main operations are public works, and we have been involved in a number of projects concerned with people’s lives and safety. In those long years of experience, we have cultivated trust and know-how, which we continue to utilize in our work.
In recent years, our work has spread overseas, and we have been increasingly involved in manufacturing and construction outside of Japan, as well as domestically. We hope to increase our involvement in public works in Southeast Asia in the future.

Business Advantage
- No.1 in Japan for design and construction of remote-control equipment!
- With its surrounding ocean, many rivers, and regular rainfall, Japan is blessed with abundant water resources. We have long lived with water as a resource and a source of energy. On the other hand, the country has been hit with huge amounts of water damage from floods and tsunamis caused by occasional typhoons and earthquakes. Our mission is to eliminate flood damage around the world. As well as constructing breakwaters and gates on dams and rivers for complete safety, we have also had success with disaster prevention equipment that utilizes the Internet, contributing even more to damage prevention.
We strive to go beyond simply using and controlling water. Our efforts are aimed at creating harmony between water and people.

Corporate Culture and Climate
- Human resource training is our responsibility as a company involved in social infrastructure.
- We have been heavily focused on training our personnel, and believe this to be the reason for the growth and development that we have achieved up to this point.
Our personnel work and train for 10 years before they are considered fully qualified. Given that employees need time and support to learn the ropes, our employees attend various training programs, and learn about the work through partnering with senior employees. At the core of this training is the thought that, as a company involved in social infrastructure, we cannot allow there to be a single fault in our dams and floodgates, which protect people’s lives and homes. All of our employees share our mission to eliminate flood damage and take pride in the work they do.
More information about NISHIDA TEKKO is provided in the brochures below.
* Click on the image to view the PDF.

Introduction Video
List of Qualifications
- First-class Civil Engineering Construction Management Engineer102 people
- Second-class Civil Engineering Construction Management Engineer21 people
- First-class Civil engineering construction management engineer4 people
- Second-class Civil engineering construction management engineer20 people
- First-class Electrical Work Construction Management Engineer17 people
- Second-class Electrical Work Construction Management Engineer10 people
- Professional Engineer9 people
- Professional Engineering Assistant13 people
- First-class Construction Industry Accountant1 people
- Second-class Construction Industry Accountant12 people
Voice of Senior Employees
Construction Department Hokkaido Construction Group, Production
Headquarters Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, Tokai University
Toyoki Shimamura
- Did something happen, or was there something in particular that made you want to join the company?
- After the Kumamoto Earthquake, I felt encouraged to do something that would help protect people’s lives and property. When I thought about what that could be, work in “infrastructure” was the first thing that came to mind.
- How was the job interview?
- Everyone was very cheerful, and they spoke frankly about the company. The whole atmosphere was very friendly.
We chatted about hobbies and other things, and the interview felt much more relaxed and friendly compared to interviews with other companies. - Were you worried about anything before you joined the company?
- I was starting with absolutely no knowledge of floodgates and dams, so I was worried about being able to remember everything.
I was also worried about being able to get along well with senior employees and the other people on site - Did your view of the company change after joining the company compared to before?
- My view didn’t really change. That feeling of closeness that I felt at the interview was there in the workplace, and when I was doing a task for the first time, or worried about something, senior employees would come and talk me through it. Any anxiety I felt quickly went away.
With “closeness” in the workplace, there is a great working atmosphere!
Finding the Company
About the Work
- Could you tell us what is interesting about the work you are doing now?
- I think floodgates are a very niche field, and there is still a lot I don’t know about them.
I don’t know how much I don’t know (laughs)
But gradually I’m starting to understand more.
I’ve begun to get a thirst for knowledge, wanting to find out what things are for and why they are important. It may sound strange, but when I come across something I don’t understand, I actually find that the most interesting part. - Is there anything you want to challenge yourself with?
- (Responds immediately) Qualifications, of course!
I want to get a second-class civil engineering construction management engineering qualification.
Without qualifications, work and instructions are limited. Getting various qualifications helps the company, of course, but it also helps me to improve my own abilities. My senior colleagues at NISHIDA TEKKO who have qualifications also give me fantastic advice.
The company even gives a bonus for getting certain qualifications! (laughs)
It gets us motivated and basically kills two birds with one stone!
About Private Life
- How do you relax and refresh yourself after work?
- I go for a drink with friends!
Even if it’s a stressful day, I let it all go once I finish work. I don’t really carry any of that stress over to the next day.
If I’m feeling physically worn out, I feel pretty refreshed with a long bath. But the best thing is probably drinking (laughs) - Do you have any dreams or goals for the future?
- My goal right now is to have my own project.
The bigger the scale, the more I can protect people’s lives and livelihoods, and my feelings about wanting to make that a reality haven’t changed since I joined this company. I want to help society, and, at the same time, improve my own skills.
- Please give some advice to those who are going to join the company in the future!
- Just like becoming a licensed driver and going out on the road, becoming a full-fledged member of society brings with it “responsibility”.
Thinking about how you will face that responsibility will make you see the world differently than when you were a student.
Joining the company may seem scary at first, but senior colleagues at NISHIDA TEKKO are incredibly friendly and will give advice on anything.
If you ask about things you don’t understand, work on your skills and communicate with others, you’ll quickly start to enjoy the job.
Design Group, Engineering Department, Production Headquarters
Department of Bio robotics, Faculty of Engineering, Kyushu Sangyo University
Toru Matsuyama
- How did you find out about NISHIDA TEKKO?
- I went to a joint company information session and saw their booth there.
At the time, I had no idea what kind of company it was. (low voice) - Did something happen, or was there something in particular that made you want to join the company?
- When I was looking for work, I felt that I wanted to find some kind of science-related design job.
There were a lot of companies like that, making cars, mobile phone parts, that kind of thing, and to be honest, every company seemed the same to me (laughs)
Then I found out about NISHIDA TEKKO, and this field of floodgates and dams that I knew nothing about jumped out at me.
My curiosity was peaked, and before I knew it, I had decided to try for an interview. - How was the job interview?
- Uh…
I don’t really remember (laughs)
I was nervous, but instead of the usual “what made you apply for this position?” or “what were your strong subjects at school?” they started asking me questions like “what are your hobbies?” as if to try and dispel the tension. They spent a lot more time explaining the amazing things about NISHIDA TEKKO.
I got the impression that there were very few barriers between the people working there, in a good way. - Could you tell us something you think is amazing about NISHIDA TEKKO?
- My impression is that it’s actually the people who work at NISHIDA TEKKO that are amazing.
Not that I’m boasting or anything (laughs)
There are a lot of different departments and groups, but all the senior employees have an amazing amount of knowledge and are so enthusiastic about their work. I think it’s because the company puts so much focus and effort into training their personnel.
When I decided to try for a qualification, I was given some very kind advice from a senior employee who already had the qualification, and it made me feel really valued.
The people working at NISHIDA TEKKO are amazing!
Finding the Company
About Private Life
- How do you relax and refresh yourself after work?
- Hot springs are a great way to feel refreshed.
When I’m feeling stressed or tired, I go to a hot spring by myself and just relax.
I go around midday, and I feel so warm from the bath that I tend to get very sleepy. (laughs)
Even though it’s my day off, I can end up just taking a nap, but I feel like I’ve spent time indulging myself, so the next day I feel refreshed and motivated. - Do you have any dreams or goals for the future?
- My main aim is to deepen my knowledge.
There isn’t an actual goal to aim for, but there is so much to know about dams and floodgates. There is a limit to the work you can do with knowledge alone, though, so to be able to do good work, I need to gain experience as well.
So, I guess I actually have two main aims (laughs)
Deepening my knowledge and gaining experience.
That’s how I’m trying to grow as an employee.
- Please give some advice to those who are going to join the company in the future!
- The industry around dams and floodgates is not that widely known, but just like gas and electricity, they are essential for daily life and damage prevention. We can rest easy knowing that things like that are being made and managed.
There may be a lot of things you don’t understand at first, but if we work together to gain knowledge and experience, we can grow as a company.